
Monday, February 24, 2014

One Thousand Gifts (continued)

"As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him" (Psalm 103:13).

It's hard to believe that it has been 9 years already since we had to say good-bye to our dear dad.  I am so thankful for the many years that I had the privilege of calling him my dad.  I am also so thankful for the many fond memories of him and the love that he constantly showed to his children.  He never held back showing his affection to us, and to our mom, and he always said how proud he was of all of us.  I look forward to the day that we will be reunited and I know that he'll be waiting, as he always was, for a kiss on his chubby cheeks!

Continuing to give thanks...

-for the many fond memories of my dad
-his compassion
-for the love that he poured out to all of his children
-how he would go the extra mile for us
-how he aways told us how proud he was of us
-his passion and dedication to Christian Education and to his work for the Canadian Christian Education Foundation 
-my Heavenly Father's perfect love and His compassion

-how much fun a box can be

-enjoying family day, a day later
-a fun event for the whole family

-her fascination with every fish that she saw
-God's amazing creation

-creepy, but amazing

-God's creative creation (my favourite fish, the Weedy Sea Dragon)

-the many delicate species from around the world

-the only one brave enough to touch the sharks and crabs

-new hobbies
-how he willingly plays her favourite play station game
-my new favourite hoodie
-our marriage series at church and the reminder of how our marriages should always point to Christ/ reflect Christ's love for His bride

-how she the snow doesn't hold her back from enjoying spring activities

-an eager cadet and a willing father to help with cub car carving

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