
Monday, July 5, 2010

One Thousand Gifts (Continued)

"The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him"
(Nahum 1:7).

One thousand gifts continued with #642-667

-my boys

- my (not so) baby girl

- cool rocks- all made different and special by our Awesome Creator

-convoy of bikers

-Canada Day- our freedom and great country that we live in

- beauty all around us when camping

- roasted marshmallows

-Curtis learning to ride a two wheeler

-Dutch victory run around the campsite

-watching Holland win and making lots of noise at our campsite (not really roughing it, I know)

- my faithful furry feline friend for 15 years- the memories of her will live in my heart always
-safe travels
-laying in the hammock
-swimming at Oma and Opa's
-air condition
-shade from our tree from Tante Annie and Tante Hilda
-quick drying laundry (thanks to the heat wave)
-sitting around the campfire every night
-boys eager to share bedrooms
-children making new friends while camping
-hubby's excitement to show the soccer game tomorrow and collect shoes for Africa
-updated photos and measurements of Deborah!
-reassuring and comforting words from our guest minister yesterday
-God's Word- so comforting
-children eager to make donations of shoes

holy experience

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