
Monday, April 13, 2015

One Thousand Gifts (continued)

"There is no difference between Jew and Gentile- the same LORD is LORD of all and richly blesses all who call on Him" 
(Romans 10:12).

 Our hope is always found in the Word.  I am so thankful for the unfailing promises that God gives us. I am also thankful for the hope that is sometimes found in the words of a friend, or in my case, our church elder.  We were blessed last week with a great elder visit.  After a difficult few weeks, he gave me renewed hope by saying that God will surely bless us (as He already has), and how we often measure our blessings by successes, therefore we miss the many blessings that are already bestowed upon us.  My cup overflows with blessings!  Thank-you, God for our many blessings, and forgive me for not always seeing them and for lacking an attitude of gratitude.  I am so blessed!  Thank-you, God!

Continuing to give thanks...
-renewed hope
-our church elders and leadership
-a great elder visit

-celebrating the blessing of another year of God entrusting our son, Jesse into our care
-the blessings that he brings to our lives
-the sweet, mature, young Christian man that he is becoming

-how they all adore their big brother (most of the time)
-what a great role model he is to his younger siblings (most of the time)!!

 -his enjoyment of coaching a great bunch of guys

-a great season of hockey

 -how is able to always entertain himself

-his school project about immigration
-reflecting on the past and God's protection and faithfulness throughout the generations

 -how she plays soccer with her buddy, our cat

 -our cat's tolerance and the great pet that he is!

 -enjoying a few playdates with some special friends

 -how she has learned to write her letters so well
-practicing her letters on the driveway

 -their artistic talents!

 -first nap of the year in the hammock
 -embracing the warm weather with bubbles and the sprinkler

 -enjoying our first bike ride into town as a family
-how we never get tired of playgrounds!

 -having fun on the swings

 -a successful fundraiser for women in Uganda
-the ministry of African Soles

 -lunch with my sister, celebrating the blessing of another birthday for her

 -enjoying his press pass with his dad

-first fire in the backyard
-roasting marshmallows
 -his patience as he tries to teach his little sister to ride a two-wheeler

1 comment:

Heather said...

Ha ha, Paul in the hammock :)
Love the pic of you and the fire.
So fantastic that Deborah is playing hockey with the cat and the cat knows how to play goalie! LOL! Happy Birthday, Jesse! I feel like I just wrote that not too long ago. Boy, does time fly!