"Jesus said, 'Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom'" (Luke 12:32).
I am so thankful that my heavenly Father is able to cast away all my fears and doubts. What a loving God I have.
Continuing to give thanks...
#1681- #1702
- the reminder in last night's service, not to be afraid, but to put our trust in our heavenly Father who tells us to "fear not"
-God's provisions
-dinner out (not having to cook) with my sister
-the way Deborah's nose curls up when she laughs
-our son officially baby sitting (with his cousin)
-our responsible eldest
-early morning visits to Beppe
-Curtis writing to "his" sponsor child
-Nicole, oh so bubbly at 2:45 A.M. on a Sat. morning off to the market with her Daddy (the apple doesn't fall from the tree)
-guitar teachers
-caring, loving speech pathologists
-our niece publicly professing her faith
-outdoor parties/gatherings
-fresh peonies on the counter (arranged by Nicole)
What a fantastic relationship you have with your sister! What a blessing. Looks like a great time in St. Jacobs, Nellie!
I came over from Ann's today. I loved your picture of the Amish buggy and "the simpler life." Have you read the book AMISH PEACE? It is amazing! I love the simple too. Blessings to you today.
Joining you from Multitudes on Mondays. I love "Daddys holding daughter's hands" also. Thanks for sharing your gratitudes and sweet photos.
Ah! Peonies...mine are in full bloom and it's the moment I wait for each season as I treat them so kindly with water and compost and gentle words of encouragement. Aren't they lovely.
You know what else is lovely? You and your ever encouraging faithful prayer.
Yep, it's true.
I never leave without some sort of encouragement or smile when I visit this little space of yours.
Thank you.
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