
Friday, January 24, 2014

Adoption Update

"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families... 
(Psalm 68:5,6a)
Adoption update:  Slow and sometimes discouraging.
However, God continues to encourage me in different ways and through various individuals.  For example...

God spoke to me yesterday through the words of a wonderful, Godly man.

Paul and I have been praying for something specific in regards to our adoption.  We know that we were praying for the impossible, but we were also praying for God's will to be done.

The director of our agency e-mailed these very encouraging words to me yesterday, "In my Christian walk when God has really placed a burden on me, as He has with you in this case, I found it was preparing me or to get me focused on His plan already in motion for me".

Even though we probably won't get the answer that we wanted, the director continued to encourage me stating, "Your care and concern for a child unknown to you (but known to Him) is the impossible already accomplished."  This door may be closed (what we were specifically praying for), but another door may be opening.  God has a plan for us and for our family, and we need to keep putting our trust in Him.  As our director wrote to me yesterday, "possibly He has done so to open you up to something forthcoming that will also have seemed impossible just a short time ago...I agree, He is the God of the impossible."

We continue to lay our concerns and our adoption before the throne of God.  We know that He has chosen a child for us already.  We continue to pray for health, safety, and protection for our little boy, whoever and wherever He is.  We pray that God will surround Him with angels to protect him and feel loved, and we look forward to the day that we are able to bring him home to his forever family.  

We also received an update from our agency yesterday.  Referrals are indeed being made, families are passing court, and families are waiting for Visas for their children!   However, we were informed of extra fees that we will need to pay ("fostering fees").  Also, as our update stated, "International adoptions have been reduced and domestic foster programs increased despite the outcry of foreign agencies and families.  Far more strict regulations for approval of adopters have been put in place".  Although that is rather discouraging, it is important that the needs of the children are given top priority.  We will continue to wait and pray for patience. We need to keep trusting in God and His perfect timing.  

I am so grateful for the encouraging words that people give me.  I am thankful for the young Godly women in my church who so desperately want to become Moms, have committed to prayer for one another as we all go through this journey of adoption.  I feel so blessed to have them in my lives.  I am also so grateful for this journey that God has called us on.  I never would have imagined my life looking like this, but I love it that God has placed adoption on our hearts and has called us to act upon that.  I give thanks to my Father who holds ALL things and in His hands.

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