
Monday, March 18, 2013

One Thousand Gifts (Continued)

"Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share" 
 (1 Timothy 6:18).
She loves to give gifts to others.
She loves to give me notes.
She loves to share her things with others.  
Giving her hair to support help cancer patients is another example of her generous heart.  

Continuing to give thanks...

-her generous heart
-the many notes and pictures that I have received from her
-a beautiful, healthy baby girl born to our niece and her husband
-talking for hours in a little restaurant with friends
-a successful men's evening last night
-fellowship and eating together as a church community
-a break from school routines
-Paul's many workers, accomplishing much work in the greenhouse

-his excitement to have his children (and his wife too, of course) watch his game

-our super star (winning 2 games on Saturday in shoot outs)

-two Pauls playing together

-how he lights up to show me things that he makes, like his little igloo

-a very fun day with my brother and 9 children at Lego discovery centre

1 comment:

Heather said...

Fun, fun, fun.... is that all you Vos' have? :)
All your photos always look like you're having a blast! Love Nicole's hair-chopping photo. Way to go, girl!