"May the LORD Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word" (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).
Continuing to give thanks....
-an encouraging phone call early this morning from my in laws
-such thoughtful in laws
-God's grace and eternal encouragement
-a very successful first day of VBS
-dedicated, reliable, flexible volunteers for Vacation Bible School
-Jesse- Deborah's official care taker for the week
-Curtis' excitement for EVERYTHING about Vacation Bible School
-Nicole's willingness to help with VBS preparations
-a wonderful co- coordinator
-outdoor camp fires
-snacking outside by the fire
-fun, monster sized
-Nicole's willingness to roast the
marshmallows for others
-a hard working hubby, taking time to sit and relax (for a short time, anyway)
-Deborah learning new things every day
-her new pose when saying "cheese" for the camera
-wanting to be like her big brother
-no injuries so far this summer!
-new life
-our trees that provide a home for birds' nests
-sleeping in the van after a long day of fun at Canada's Wonderland
-playing games and having such supportive cheer leaders
-another fun summer day!