
Monday, July 13, 2015

One Thousand Gifts (continued)

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the LORD, who has compassion on you" 
(Isaiah 54:10).

As Lynda Randle sings, "The God on the mountain, is still God in the valley", I am reminded of how faithful God is no matter what we are going through- whether it's being in the dark valley or high on a mountain top.  It's amazing how easily we feel like we're in a dark, low valley and that we're all alone.  It's also amazing how easily and soon thereafter, we are able to be back on the mountain top! Through the cross, Christ experiences every valley that we are in, and all of our pain and struggles.  He is always WITH us in the valleys and on the mountains!  God is good all the time; all the time, God is good!  He is faithful and His love is for all generations.

Continuing to give thanks...
-for the valleys
-for the mountain tops
-His faithfulness
-a mountain top experience, celebrating my mom's 79th birthday and her good health

-how her love for her grandchildren and children is always pouring out of her
-siblings, and how we will always look out for each other 

-two goofies
-how they all had so much fun in the pool together, including the adults!

-enjoying sports in the pool and out of the pool

-how all of the cousins get along and play so well together

-how the older cousins had fun with the balloons as well

-practicing their dives

-enjoying two hours at Opa and Oma's pool

-a beautiful brunch, celebrating my mom's birthday

-the tight knit group of single ladies from church
-my sister's talent of floral arrangements
-her amazing hostess talents
-all of her time and effort for a beautiful, successful brunch

-enjoying the magician show at the library and how that has inspired him to do some more tricks again!  
-how he was such a good participant!

-her BFFs

-enjoying the gardens and Paul's beautiful flowers
-a "budding" photographer and her love for taking pictures

-getting lots of move it minutes
-playing basketball with the two youngests

-how he has taught her how to catch a baseball
-how he has taught her to enjoy yet another sport!

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