
Monday, January 7, 2013

One Thousand Gifts (Continued)

"He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven" (Psalm 107:29-30).

 I read these verses this morning in my e-mail from Compassion Canada. They brought such a calming spirit over me. After this very busy season of family gatherings, a wedding, hosting parties, birthday parties, etc. etc. and feeling a bit low, overwhelmed, and rather grumpy, I could feel God's presence as I read these words. I am truly grateful for His presence, His Word, and His promises that He stills the storms and hushes the waves.

 Continuing to give thanks...
-God's healing presence
-celebrating Christ's birth
-celebrating Christ's birth with friends and family
-beautiful services

-a surprise visit from The Netherlands!
-sisters spending time together
-fabulous hosts and secret keepers

-a fun loving aunt and uncle
-a fun loving cousin and a beautiful bride
-a special gift from Holland
-embracing our heritage

-lighting up the lights on Niagara Falls
-enjoying the lights at Niagara Falls
-a fun day out with family and special guests from Holland

-health and physical ability to enjoy outdoor activities


-how she reads stories to her baby

-family jeopardy
-our awesome game show host

-Dutch cheese
-celebrating Christmas with family and great loving parents

-the gift of new friends and the gift from a friend

-family Christmas and lots of smiles!!!

-falling asleep with the cat after a long busy day (lots of skating)

-her confidence in performing
-her talented, patient teacher

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