
Monday, May 3, 2010

One Thousand Gifts (Continued)

"Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness"
(Colossians 2:6-7).

#478) sweet fragrance of flowers (even if Paul thinks it's a bit overwhelming)!

#479) 15 year faithful furry follower

#480) furry computer companion

#481) Hawaiian/ beach day (great school spirit)!

#482) enthusiastic dress-up participant

#483) paved driveway

#484) proper foot work for a lay-up!

#485) deliveries (and little helpers)
#486) scrap book retreat (even if it was in my own basement on my own)
#487) Curtis' play date
#488) willing assistance of our local MP
#489) no glasses for Nicole (yet)
#490) smell of cut grass
#491) my new man of the house (who's only 10) learning to BBQ
#492) kids counting down till their sister's court date
#493) the many surprises leading up to Paul's second 20th birthday
#494) backyard fun
#495) Mom starting up a serious game of croquet with the boys
#496) undeserved mercy
#497) ketchup on Nicole's face and forehead (not sure how it ended up there)
#498) booked camping trips
#499) ceiling fans
#500) spring

holy experience

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