
Monday, March 1, 2010

One Thousand Gifts (Continued)

"I thank and praise you, O GOD of my fathers..." (Daniel 2:23)

#320) a sporty/outdoorsy husband

#321) sporty/outdoorsy children (sometimes)

#322) the wonder and excitement of trying something new

#323) ski equipment

#324) an uncle who made a great snowman with his nephew

#325) safety when sledding

#326) outdoor fun and adventure with cousins
#327) bright sunshine
#328) inspiring speaker at the ladies' breakfast
#329) ladies morning out
#330) organized ladies' retreat/breakfast
#331) the reminder that "God is enough"!
#332) prayers from friends
#333) Nicole's love for apples
#334) excited girl coming home with a gorgeous hand-made bird house
#335) excited boy coming home after learning how to bake (and enjoying his hard work)!
#336) Jesse squeezing in as much skating time as possible
#337) renewed hope

holy experience

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